Whilst many marine consultancy companies are able to produce models of the wave climate, the majority of these consultancies lack specialist knowledge of wave energy technologies. Consequently, the resource assessment is often inadequate for a full analysis of a wave energy technology or project.
A resource assessment for a wave energy converter should ideally follow the IEC Technical Specification for Wave Energy Resource Assessment and Characterisation (IEC TS 62600-101:2015). ARR is fully aware of the requirements for this standard as Dr Folley (an ARR director) is chair of the IEC committee responsible for producing the standard.
Applied Renewables Research (ARR) Ltd has the specialist knowledge of wave energy technologies and is able to ensure that any resource analysis is appropriate and fit-for-purpose. Typical analyses that can be undertaken by ARR Ltd include:
- The identification of wave energy “hot-spots” and site analysis
- the assessment of annual energy yield for a wave energy converter or wave farm
- the estimation of change in leeward wave climate required for environmental impact assessments
- the analysis of operational weather windows
- the statistical analysis of extreme events and wave loads